The December FOCM | GLSA Networking event started out with welcoming everyone and a review of these meetings’ agendas summarized in the paragraph below.
For the newcomers, think of this as an open house event – drop in when you can and leave when you need to; when we have a topic and presenter we have them start when we have assembled a good number of people and that’s usually 10-15 minutes after the start.
There were several (ahem) great looking holiday sweaters and several pets were seen on camera as well. Candy Dupree won best outfit hands down. The link to get notifications about our future live and virtual events>>
As our passion is to connect people and companies we know and like to other people and companies we know and like, we asked everyone to put into the chat the link to their LinkedIn profile. This allows for quick and simple connecting and facilitates future follow up.
We opened the event sharing industry updates, news, and/or gossip that anyone wanted to bring up. Chris shared that GLSA has contracted with two new clients: Validcare and Cool Chain to help the in their promotional and sales efforts. Validcare is disrupting clinical research with an all digital approach and fixed price study management. Cool Chain has shipping containers that can maintain a specified internal container temperature for 120 hours, be that sub zero frozen, frozen, refrigerated or room temperature. One of our clients Heal Mary, a SaaS AI enhanced patient recruiting platform has been awarded a project from a company we introduced them to and that will begin in February.
The group chose not to go into smaller breakout sessions, so we stayed in one room and talked about the holidays and what people’s plans were. We acknowledged the industry begins to get quite busy by the third week of January and we’re bracing for it.
Mike Burrows | Burrows Life Sciences Associates, PLC |
Arti Bhosale | Sieve Health |
Duncan Shaw | DTS Language Services |
Nancy Zeleniak | Atrium Health |
Debbie McCoy | Business Development Consultant |
Michael Young | biomedwoRx; Life Sciences Consulting |
Eric Nier | Block Clinical |
Erica Hill | Marketing Consultant |
Judy Carmody | Carmody Quality Solutions |
Charles Speno | TrialX |
Holly Jochims | Adaptive Clinical Systems |
Kim Lupo | Portrett Pharmaceuticals |
Nadia Bracken | Clinical Operations Director |
Shruti Vashisht | Software Development |
Chris Clancy | Medidata |
Jon Matheus | A.T. Pancrazi Real Estate |
Ori Geshury | Mirraponte |
Liz Mirra | Mirraponte |
Loretta Dubray | Global Clinical Connections |
Mike O’Gorman | Life Science Marketplace |
Candy Dupree | Adam’s Bridge Global |
GLSA Attendees:
Denise McNerney |
Chris Matheus |
Joe Buser |
Megan Hoffman |
Charity Dube |
Hannah LLoyd |
Sally Haller |
Timmina Williams |
Holly Cliffe |
A few screenshots from the event are below: